Querying and manipulating of open lexical databases
Most lexical databases consist of plain text files in .tsv
or .csv
formats which can easily be imported into R using readr::read_delim
, or into Python with pandas.read_csv
. To open a .tsv
or a .csv
file with Excel, check out “How to open a tsv file in Excel”.
Table of Contents
- Selecting lexical items using R
- Selecting lexical items with Python
- Pseudoword creations
- French syllabation
Selecting lexical items using R
To extract the rows of Lexique382.tsv corresponding to a list of words:
items <- c('bateau', 'avion', 'maison', 'arbre')
lex <- read_delim("http://www.lexique.org/databases/Lexique382/Lexique382.tsv.gz", delim='\t')
# lex <- read_delim('Lexique382.tsv.gz', delim='\t') # if you have the file
selection <- subset(lex, ortho %in% items)
write_tsv(selection, 'selection.tsv')
### Using regular expressions
# liste les mots qui finissent par "ion"
lex$ortho %>% str_subset("ion$")
# liste les mots qui contiennent trois voyelles successives
lex$ortho %>% str_subset('[aeiouy][aeiouy][aeiouy]')
# trouve les mots qui contiennent des groupes de 3 lettres répétés
lex$ortho %>% str_subset("(...)\\1")
# see https://stringr.tidyverse.org/articles/regular-expressions.html
Download select-words-from-lexique.R. (If you have not already, to install R and Rstudio Desktop)
Remark that this code reads Lexique382.tsv
directly from the web.
If the server or the connection is too slow, you will get a message
“Error in open.connection(con, "rb") : Timeout was reached
In this case, you should first download Lexique382.tsv on your local hard drive and change the file path passed as argument to read_delim
More generally, you can download the source tables of a number of databases from our list of open databases.
Selecting lexical items with Python
This example shows how to select four random sets of twenty nouns and verbs of low and high frequencies from Lexique382, using Python. (If you have not already, install Python: Go to https://www.anaconda.com/distribution/ ; Select your OS (Windows, MacOS or Linux) and download the Python 3.7 installer.)
""" Exemple de sélection d'items dans la base Lexique382 """
import pandas as pd
lex = pd.read_csv("http://www.lexique.org/databases/Lexique382/Lexique382.tsv", sep='\t')
# restreint la recherche à des mots de longueur comprises entre 5 et 8 lettres
subset = lex.loc[(lex.nblettres >= 5) & (lex.nblettres <=8)]
# separe les noms et les verbes dans deux dataframes:
noms = subset.loc[subset.cgram == 'NOM']
verbs = subset.loc[subset.cgram == 'VER']
# sectionne sur la bases de la fréquence lexicale
noms_hi = noms.loc[noms.freqlivres > 50.0]
noms_low = noms.loc[(noms.freqlivres < 10.0) & (noms.freqlivres > 1.0)]
verbs_hi = verbs.loc[verbs.freqlivres > 50.0]
verbs_low = verbs.loc[(verbs.freqlivres < 10.0) & (verbs.freqlivres > 1.0)]
# choisi des items tirés au hasard dans chacun des 4 sous-ensembles:
N = 20
noms_hi.sample(N).ortho.to_csv('nomhi.txt', index=False)
noms_low.sample(N).ortho.to_csv('nomlo.txt', index=False)
verbs_hi.sample(N).ortho.to_csv('verhi.txt', index=False)
verbs_hi.sample(N).ortho.to_csv('verlo.txt', index=False)
Download select-words-from-lexique.py
Pseudoword creations
Several methods to generate pseudowords are implemented. Check the folder.
For example: pseudoword-generation-by-markov-on-trigrams
French syllabation
french-syllabation provides the scripts that were used to syllabify the phonological representations in Brulex and Lexique.
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Time-stamp: <2019-03-31 14:01:37 christophe@pallier.org>